Johan Aason "Not a Freak, a Real Giant."
Printed Photo Postcard. The Norwegian Boy Giant. Somewhat goofy-looking Johann with black top-hat and mgr. GREAT BACK bio.....The Norwegian Boy Giant »
JOHAN AASON - (pro-nounced: Yo-hon' Au' son); born in Numedahl, Nor-way, March 5th, 1899; height 8 ft. 9¾ in, weight 503 lbs; 8¼ size hat, 22½ size collar, 20 size shoe, requires 9 yards of cloth for a suit.Weighed 21 lbs. at birth. Mother 7 ft. 1 in., father 7 ft. 5 in,; strength and appetite in proportion to size.An American citizen, an Elk and a Woodman. Not a Freak, a Real Giant."